EALA has made the right decision on Burundi reps

Editor, RE: “EALA overrules Burundi move to recall lawmakers” (The New Times, November 26).

Thursday, November 26, 2015


RE: "EALA overrules Burundi move to recall lawmakers” (The New Times, November 26).

For his own sake, let us hope Speaker Daniel Kidega has no plans to visit Bujumbura, Burundi in the near future; Nkurunziza’s people hate nothing more than to be thwarted by anyone, and when that happens a violent and savage response, seemingly without thought as to consequences is their default mode of reaction.

I very much doubt that the Speaker’s august position in our Community will offer him sufficient protection against these people’s instinct to strike out immediately at whoever they believe is frustrating their desires whenever they cannot get their way.

And they are likely to have reverted deeper into their murderous bush behaviour as their siege mentality has increased with each measure that has been taken against them by different international partners, even as those they hoped would provide them with alternative financial support have failed to step up to the plate.