The Pretender

This is Part 6 of “More than she could ever imagine”, a series about an African Christian Hero called Adhiambo. Her life changed when she stopped helping her friend to steal and found joy in teaching children about Jesus and God’s love.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This is Part 6 of "More than she could ever imagine”, a series about an African Christian Hero called Adhiambo. Her life changed when she stopped helping her friend to steal and found joy in teaching children about Jesus and God’s love.

Adhiambo graduated from college and became a high school teacher. She also taught Sunday school and Good News Club.

One evening, she sat alone at her desk after her Good News Club was over. There was a knock on the door and ten-year-old Lydia appeared.

Lydia was from a Christian home. She was well behaved and showed love to others. Adhiambo believed that Lydia was a Christian.

"Why did you come to see me Lydia?” she asked.

I would like to receive Jesus and be saved from my sins. I’ve been a pretender-acting like a Christian. But I never really asked Jesus to be my Saviour,” Lydia said.

Adhiambo showed Lydia God’s promise in John 1:12.

Lydia bowed her head and prayed. She told God she was a pretender and she believed Jesus died for her sin. Then she asked Him to be her Saviour.

Now there was no pretending. Lydia had true joy and peace in her heart. She knew her sins were forgiven. She loved to tell other children how God knew she was a pretender and how she finally asked Jesus to save her.

To be continued…

Adapted from Teach Kids