Team Rwanda senior cyclists’ behaviour was unbecoming

Editor, RE: “National cycling team riders suspended over indiscipline” (The New Times, November 9).

Monday, November 09, 2015
Team Rwanda riders during a past race. (File)


RE: "National cycling team riders suspended over indiscipline” (The New Times, November 9).

Valens Ndayisenga’s statements are completely 100 per cent incorrect. Coach Jock Boyer and I were told of the situation on Friday and begged the riders to meet with the Federation.

They said if Aimable Bayingana (president of the federation) did not bring the cash they were not riding. We told them that wouldn’t happen.

I personally designed a presentation of race money for 2016 and asked them to sit down with Mr. Bayingana and the federation, but they declined.

Not "once” did they say anything to us about insurance, however, that’s already been discussed with the federation and was on the table for 2016.

I was witness to a call between Mr. Ndayisenga and Edward Kalisa (Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports and Culture) this last weekend and all Mr. Ndayisenga did was yell demands at Mr. Kalisa.

They have not wanted to negotiate from the beginning.

I would like to mention that I am very disappointed in the writer’s incorrect covering of the situation.

We have attempted to bring back some of the younger riders who have been unduly influenced by the instigators; however, Janvier Hadi and Valens Ndayisenga have not allowed us to speak with them individually.

Kimberly Moszyk Coats