My perfect weekend

Frank Rukundo, a.k.a Frank-Joe, is famous for his body, his brains and his musical talent. ‘Ngegera’ is the 26-year-old’s hottest hit.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Frank Rukundo

Frank Rukundo, a.k.a Frank-Joe, is famous for his body, his brains and his musical talent. ‘Ngegera’ is the 26-year-old’s hottest hit.

A few weeks ago I really had the perfect weekend! I was in a group of five cheerful friends and we had enough coins in our pockets to get us through the night until dawn!

In fact, this was a weekend to remember. It all started on Friday at exactly 4p.m., when I received a call from one of my big-time friends, alerting me to prepare myself a crazy night.

This was truly good news! I quickly dashed home for a shower and put on my faded blue jeans, a white T-shirt, sneakers, and of course my favourite black designer cap! Hey! I was the guy of the night!!

The weekend started in one of downtown’s hottest bars, later went to Papyrus bar where we stayed for sometime, before heading to B-Club to set the place ablaze. 

I still don’t know if I will ever have such a wonderful weekend again, but I’m suspecting to probably organise one towards Christmas or New Year. In collaboration with many friends (old or new), and this will be extremely wild!

The other thing I did that weekend was on Sunday morning I went to Church. And from there I went straight home, had my lunch and relaxed.

Usually my weekends (whether perfect or dull) end on Saturdays because Sundays are strictly dedicated to my God.

I must confess that I’m the type of guy who likes fancy eating. When it comes to food, I’m a little bit selective. I only eat to survive; I would do away with it if I had the option.

Though, I enjoy drinking, and as a rule I always a glass of fresh milk or juice with my meals.
