Texting while on motorcycles: A safety issue

Just the other day I found myself in a bit of a situation when an enraged friend of mine expressed how irritated she was with people that text while on a motorcycle.

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Just the other day I found myself in a bit of a situation when an enraged friend of mine expressed how irritated she was with people that text while on a motorcycle.

In some countries in the world, riding on a motorcycle is considered fun and a hobby. Well, for us it is a quick and effective means of transport that helps you manoeuvre through traffic during rush hour.

I desperately wanted to relate to my friend’s argument but I couldn’t seeing that I am into the habit of doing the same but only when I can’t help it. My obvious defence was that I thought it was okay considering I wasn’t the one at the helm. 

Unfortunately my reasoning was met with utter disdain as she continued to highlight the many reasons why I shouldn’t.

So as I sat quietly being lectured on why I shouldn’t text my friends or use my phone while being transported around on a motorcycle even on a long trip ( am talking Kimironko to the city centre). I still didn’t see why I shouldn’t but here are some of the reasons that were highlighted.

It is almost impossible for you to notice the motorcyclist is speeding if you’re completely engrossed in your phone.

Stats show that over 80% of the accidents in the country involve motorcycles. 

These guys are very fast and sometimes we are so focused on getting where we are going that we forget about speeding being a danger to our lives. Being absent minded does not help this particular situation at all. After hearing that I started to listen intently.

They then mentioned that the chances of escaping danger in case of any accidents are much higher for an attentive person as opposed to one that was busy texting away. 

If you’ve reading or listening to the news, you know that there is a good number of upstanding citizens that have passed on due to road accidents. Texting is a simple matter in many other contexts except for this one. Your life is yours at the end of the day and the decisions you make are indeed reflected in the results you take.

It is undeniably true that we sometimes get too comfortable and get carried away with all that is convenience because in most cases this act may come off as okay and safe but indeed isn’t safe.

If you insist on maintaining the habit it’d be better if you used a bus as it is the much safe option in comparison to the motorcycles because of the many risks involved

In truth, the job of driving or riding a motorcycle is up to the person at the helm but it is your role to stay attentive as alertness can help get you to your destination safely. 

These people have been at this for a long time and therefore know what it’s like to be involved in an accident, this increases his odds of survival as opposed to yours the first timer.

Cell phones are meant to help us not lead us to ‘early’ deaths. Therefore it is your responsibility as a citizen to warn those around you on the dangers of texting while on a motorcycle, you could save a life.

The author is a student at University of Rwanda, College of Science and Technology.