Nations should emulate Germany and try FDLR leaders

Editor, RE: “Germany finds two FDLR militia leaders guilty of war crimes” (The New Times, September 28).

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


RE: "Germany finds two FDLR militia leaders guilty of war crimes” (The New Times, September 28).

Given all the evidence presented to the court at their trial, the guilty verdicts were inevitable. Germany should certainly be commended for trying these FDLR potentates.

However, given the magnitude of the crimes the FDLR has committed under the direction of these two, the sentence itself is nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

It would, nevertheless, send a powerful message to others who might be tempted to emulate them, were the German courts now to authorise their extradition to do their sentences where they committed their heinous crimes.

Mwene Kalinda