HRW is a bully that attacks only poor countries

Editor, RE: “Who will tell HRW to stop abusing the rights of Rwandans?” (The New Times, September 29).

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


RE: "Who will tell HRW to stop abusing the rights of Rwandans?” (The New Times, September 29).

Those organisations are following orders and they have to find something that keeps them relevant. NGOs such as HRW are staffed by people who cannot get jobs in their home countries. For them to keep silent would be committing employment suicide.

Did you hear them or their leaders condemn countries that are sentencing young men to death because they participated in demonstrations?

Also, have you ever heard them say anything about those constant beheadings in countries such as Saudi Arabia? But, still they have to show they are busy fulfilling their assigned duties, but they cannot dare expose those powerful human right abusers—they have to look out for a soft target.

What they may not know is the Rwanda is not as a soft target as they think.



What are rights, and who defines them? Is sexual degeneracy a right, for example? Some would say yes, others would say no. Who’s right? In a roomful of arbitrary, subjective opinions, which is the right one? Is there an objective standard to which we can appeal in deciding right and wrong?

By the way, not all organisations that claim to be non-governmental organisations are actually so. They may be "non-governmental” in name only, as a form of disguise. When such NGOs are bad-mouthing Rwanda, they may only be following orders.

Peter DM