Fleeing Syrians need compassion, not scorn

It is hypocritical of western countries to block refugees and immigrants entering Europe not only because they are at the forefront of the reasons behind wars and poverty in the world but also because they have been the most immigrants in the recent history.

Friday, September 11, 2015
A Syrian migrant hands a girl to another migrant over the barbed wire barrier along the Hungarian-Serbian border. (Courtesy)


RE: "Asylum seekers should be welcomed with open arms(The New Times, September 10).

It is hypocritical of western countries to block refugees and immigrants entering Europe not only because they are at the forefront of the reasons behind wars and poverty in the world but also because they have been the most immigrants in the recent history.

For instance, from 1815 to 1932 only, 60 million people left Europe most of time mass murdering local indigenous people before appropriating their lands.

It is a well-documented history of genocide against native people that accompanied Europeans immigration such as in North and South America, in Africa such as in Namibia, in Australia and New Zealand.

Syrians would not be in this condition if it wasn’t for the western military support of extremists fighting in Syria.

This crisis should remind western imperialists that meddling in other countries’ politics has far reaching consequences—not only on local people, but also on themselves.

Ndoli Sabi