Why EAC needs to promote child rights

RE: “EALA urges regional govts to prioritise child rights” (The New Times, September 7).

Thursday, September 10, 2015

RE: "EALA urges regional govts to prioritise child rights” (The New Times, September 7).

A few months ago I visited Uganda and Rwanda, but what I saw in Uganda is horrible: little kids begging on streets while older ones consumed drugs very early in the morning and nobody seemed to be bothered by these kids that are being trained to be future thugs.

I have seen to all politicians, including Olara Otunu, who was appointed by the UN Secretary-General as Special Representative for Children in Armed Conflict, turning a blind eye about these kids. Something must be done and done now otherwise Kampala and Uganda, as a whole, will soon have a big number of thugs/gangs.
