Patience pays

There are many times when your parents and friends have talked about the virtue of patience. But how many times have you been patient daily?

Monday, October 13, 2008

There are many times when your parents and friends have talked about the virtue of patience. But how many times have you been patient daily?

When we are not patient, we always want everything to come quick and easily.

Did you know that impatience causes anxiety, fear and discouragement? That is not good.

Impatience forces you to make quick decisions that are wrong and make you feel bad.

Many successful people are happy because they are patient. Growing in patience means that you endure whatever difficulty comes your way.

One good thing we should all know is that difficult times do not last forever. They eventually end and patient people always become happier after this.

Patience makes you a confident, important and pleased person.

Always remember to be patient in whatever you do and go through, because patience pays.
