Our businesses must be forward-looking

Editor, RE: “Implementation of car-free zone policy starts” (The New Times, August 24).

Thursday, August 27, 2015


RE: "Implementation of car-free zone policy starts” (The New Times, August 24).

This is the kind of client-orientation and consultations with those affected by their decisions we want to see more of from the City of Kigali and the Police.

People will frequently accept such decisions gracefully and see what they can do to adapt to them—even if they don't fully agree with them—as long as they are satisfied they have been listened to even if their preference did not carry the day.

Robert Bapfakurera—quoted in the article—is also the kind of businessman we need more of in our country; someone who, instead of whining about this or that official measure, is capable of looking at the big picture and taking measures himself to ensure his business adapts to its changing environment.

If we had more like him we would already be far on our road to becoming a middle-income country.

Mwene Kalinda