Exploring the cause of neck pain

The Neck is a flexible part and aids one to look back and side wards. Because of its flexibility, it is subjected to much strain right since when one is a toddler and throughout life. Neck pain is a cause of much discomfort.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Neck is a flexible part and aids one to look back and side wards. Because of its flexibility, it is subjected to much strain right since when one is a toddler and   throughout life. Neck pain is a cause of much discomfort. 

Movements involving constant bending of the neck forwards put a stress on the joints and muscles of neck due to which chronic pain starts after some years. Bending the neck for cooking and other domestic chores, holding a baby, writing and reading are such activities. Around 40 years or so, the person starts developing degenerative changes in the joints of the neck, (cervical spondylosis). This leads to   chronic, recurrent neck pain and  abnormal sensations around the neck, shoulders, arms and fingers. As age advances along with stiffness of other joints, there also occurs stiffness of the joints of the cervical spine, causing further pain. There is formation of new tiny bones which emerge from in between the joints. These can compress nerves around joints leading to abnormal sensations like tingling, numbness, etc. around the neck, shoulders and upper limbs.

At times with advancing age, degenerative changes may occur within the cervical spine itself, leading to chronic neck pain. Sedentary office workers and women are more prone to it.

Sometimes a bad position during sleep can lead to severe muscle spasm in the neck. This is  causes  severe pain and difficulty in turning the neck. The risk  is enhanced  with use of soft and high pillows, which do not provide an even surface for the neck to rest.

Mental stress can also result in spasm of neck muscles resulting in pain. Other musculo- skeletal problems like rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, etc., can affect the joints of neck as wee, leading to chronic neck pain.

When an individual suffers from neck pain, the cause is detected by means of X-ray of the neck, computerized tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging.

Pain killer drugs, are useful initially in providing pain relief. These can be used, till one is free from pain. But, when their  effect wears off, pain can relapse. Moreover these drugs can cause adverse effects in the body. Removing a high pillow and keeping the neck  flat is useful in reducing the stress on the neck. Individuals are advised to avoid bending the neck or turning it unduly backwards. Instead of turning the neck to see somebody, it is better to turn entire body.

During reading, writing or working on computers, the level of the book / computer should be such that it does not  stress the neck. Neck should be comfortable.

In people suffering from chronic neck pain, it is useful to use a  collar around the neck. This provides  splintage to the neck by immobilizing it, thus giving it rest .

Traction is also used in some cases of neck pain, particularly in severe spondylosis and other   chronic degenerative conditions of the neck. But it carries the risk of compression of nerves or nerve roots resulting in paralysis in some cases.

Once pain is reduced, it is advisable to begin gentle exercises of the neck, which improve the flexibility of the joints  and  surrounding muscles. The range of movement is gradually increased. There are specific exercises in Yoga, which help improve the flexibility of neck muscles and keep the neck free from pain.

Taking a calcium rich diet  is useful to prevent osteoporosis and also helps in preventing neck pain in middle age. Milk and milk products like yoghurt, cheese, whole wheat bread, fenugreek, e.t.c. are useful in this regard.

Neck is a very vital and sensitive part of the body and needs  good care and attention.

Dr. Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital
