Greeks know better what is good for them

Editor, Reference is made to Kenneth Agutamba’s article, “Greek debt-crisis: An open-book for African economists” (The New Times, July 5).

Tuesday, July 07, 2015


Reference is made to Kenneth Agutamba’s article, "Greek debt-crisis: An open-book for African economists” (The New Times, July 5).

Contrary to last minute polls predicting a narrow "Yes” win (most probably the European powers-that-be projecting through the dutifully servile mainstream media their wishful thinking into the reality they wanted) the Greek people have just voted massively (62%) against their systematic pauperization by global finance (with the ECB-European Commission-IMF, the so-called Troika at the forefront of pushing that impoverishment policy).

These are the same powers that have shoved gazillions of easy money into their huge banks after they almost crashed the global economy, a major factor behind the economic disaster that is Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and many other countries; in other words, undiluted capitalism for the poor and full socialism for the banks and the plutocrats.

But perhaps the most incredible lesson from all this is how the most powerful movers of Europe are condemning the Greek Government for daring to consult its people on an issue that is so fundamental to their future.

It reminds me that the former Greek Prime Minister, Papandreu, was forced out by the Angela Merkels of Europe for precisely expressing his wish to submit the European-designed austerity programme (the medicine of dieting for a starving man) to a referendum.

And these are the people who love to lecture everybody else on democracy! People who condemn a government for putting such a fundamental issue to its people to decide! Europe of the people, not the elite, should thank the Greeks for reminding them, once again, about Democracy 101.

Mwene Kalinda