Plastic bottle ban: Dialogue is the solution

Editor, Market penetration and development is a concept of complexity. It takes time and resources to work. Concepts of marketing are varied; every product has a market niche and entering a niche is a substance of business modeling.

Friday, July 03, 2015


Market penetrationand development is a concept of complexity. It takes time and resources to work. Concepts of marketing are varied; every product has a market niche and entering a niche is a substance of business modeling.

Also, very important in this case to understand is that the standards were reviewed when current players had invested in a particular model of business and to change a model of business takes resources and time.

Well, health is precious—no doubt about that, we need to develop capacities to carry out scientific research to guide policy development. There is no doubt that manufacturers are willing to migrate and there is on-going dialogue between RSB and the manufactures.


Reaction to the editorial, "Plastic bottle ban: Protection of consumers should be priority” (The New Times, July 2)