World Vegan Day: The whys and hows of going plant-based
Wednesday, November 01, 2023
Leah Mfiteyesu, a local nutritionist, said that a vegan diet has a positive impact on one’s health.

In the ongoing pursuit of a healthier and more sustainable way of life, the spotlight has progressively shifted towards the vegan lifestyle. Embracing a vegan diet, which excludes all animal products, transcends mere ethical considerations, as it also opens the door to numerous health benefits.

Every year on November 1, the global community celebrates World Vegan Day. The purpose of this day is to increase awareness about the advantages of adopting a vegan diet and the importance of veganism.

ALSO READ: Going vegan: What you should know

According to Leah Mfiteyesu, a local nutritionist, a vegan diet has a positive impact on one’s health.

"Consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits as a vegan can contribute to weight reduction, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and reduce the likelihood of cancers. Additionally, it can help in lowering cholesterol levels and managing hypertension,” she said.

Mfiteyesu stressed the importance of choice in one’s diet, but when opting for a vegan lifestyle, she advises maintaining a well-rounded diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables.

"If someone decides to follow a vegan diet, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist to fully reap the health benefits. For instance, animal products provide essential B12 vitamins, so vegans should consider B12 supplements to support brain function and red blood cell formation,” she said.

ALSO READ: Vegan group on why lifestyle is more than just a diet

Autumn Marie, the founder and CEO of Kigali Forward, has been a vegan for about 16 years.

She said an increased exposure and understanding of foods and holistic wellness were her inspiration and reason to become "plant-based”.

"There is a saying that we are what we eat, and I really feel that internally. When I eat healthier, light, nutritious foods, I feel clear, energised, and healthy. When I eat heavier, greasy, or salty foods, I feel heavy, sleepy, and not as clear-minded. People will often joke about being sluggish after lunch and needing a nap, but it is what we are eating. Food should energise us,” she said.

To ensure she gets all the necessary nutrients, Marie said learning more about her body and nutrition has been instrumental.

ALSO READ: 4 health benefits of eating vegan

She advises those considering a vegan lifestyle for health reasons to start by opening their mind, particularly if they are used to eating a lot of meat.

She suggests taking small steps, like participating in #MeatlessMondays or eating vegan for the first five days of every month. This gradual approach allows individuals to explore plant-based foods without committing fully.

Marie also emphasised the importance of seasoning vegan food well to enhance its flavour, as the absence of butter, milk, or meat should not mean sacrificing taste.

Rwema Irizabimbuto made a transition to a vegan lifestyle in June 2022, joining the Animals Save Movement and advocating for animal welfare.

ALSO READ: Going vegan to protect animals

He said the transformation had an impact on his life, leading to a heightened sense of compassion for all animals and a strong belief in the importance of veganism.

"I found out that it is the best thing you can do in life for various purposes, including health and the environment. In Rwanda, it is easy to be a vegan because we have local foods that are organic and plant-based. It’s like the normal way of life for many Rwandan families, where you can go a long time without taking meat and animal products,” he said.

El-Rahim Jaffer, a vegan and animal lover, explained his personal journey to becoming a vegan, which began at age 26 when he stopped eating meat due to concerns about cruelty in the meat industry.

He said it took him 10 years to transition to veganism, as he realised there was still cruelty involved in consuming dairy and eggs. He has witnessed health benefits that include losing weight.

For those interested in adopting a vegan lifestyle, Jaffer advises first educating themselves about the cruelty in the meat, dairy, and egg industries to find motivation.

Additionally, he recommends studying nutrition and joining vegan communities, both online and in person, to learn from experienced individuals.

Jaffer further encourages people to be adventurous with their food choices, exploring a variety of fruits and vegetables.

"When you eat meat, it’s always the same thing – a cow, a goat, a fish or a chicken. When you start taking a vegan diet, then you start eating more of other types of fruits and vegetables. Try new things. Taste a new veggie that is very tasty,” he noted.

Jaffer highlighted the importance of veganism being primarily about animal welfare, with health and environmental benefits being secondary considerations. He emphasised that some people might follow a vegan diet for health reasons but clarified that the main focus should be on animal welfare rather than personal health.