Will slimming pills affect my breastfeeding?

Ever since I delivered three months ago, I seem to be putting on a lot of weight. Unfortunately I don’t have enough time for exercise and my appetite is good. Can I use slimming pills? Will they not affect the baby through breastfeeding? Please help!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dear Doctor,                                                                                                

Ever since I delivered three months ago, I seem to be putting on a lot of weight. Unfortunately I don’t have enough time for exercise and my appetite is good. Can I use slimming pills? Will they not affect the baby through breastfeeding? Please help!


Dear Shamim,

Women tend to put on weight during pregnancy and even after child birth. In fact after the baby has been delivered, weight gained during pregnancy should be reduced.

There is a general belief across the world that during pregnancy and breast feeding, a woman should eat more as she has to feed herself and the unborn baby. It is also said that a woman should eat whatever she likes. But this is a false belief. A baby consumes only a miniscule part of what the mother eats. Only about 300 extra calories are needed during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. It is only the requirement of iron and calcium which is increased in this period. But most women tend to eat more in quantity and also consume rich food during this time thus putting on weight. There is also minimal exercise if any during pregnancy.  As the habit continues during breast feeding of the baby, the kilos are augmented.

Apart from dietary habits and lack of exercise, hormonal disorders like diabetes and hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain during pregnancy and after delivery.  During pregnancy, some women also develop swelling feet and put on more weight due to hormonal changes.

It is advisable to consult a dietitian to make a diet plan for you. The total number of calories consumed should help reduce extra weight. Avoid fatty food. Regular physical exercise is a must. Hormonal disorders can be diagnosed by suitable tests and treated very well.

Slimming pills are not recommended as they have lot of side effects like somnolence, tremulousness, nausea, vomiting and can even cause cardiac arrest. They are not safe for the baby as well.