Rabbit meat best for dieting, has no cholesterol

Most people say that nothing beats the taste of chicken, but a person who has tasted a slice of that yummy bunny would not agree with that statement. A bunny (rabbit) has that crisp skin with a deeply nourishing and satisfying flavour.

Sunday, June 07, 2015
Rabbit usually comes whole and you have to slaughter it yourself.

Most people say that nothing beats the taste of chicken, but a person who has tasted a slice of that yummy bunny would not agree with that statement. A bunny (rabbit) has that crisp skin with a deeply nourishing and satisfying flavour. Although it is often overlooked, rabbit contains a lot of health benefits;

Rabbit meat is well known for its high protein content which is even higher than that in beef or chicken. The meat also provides a wide range of minerals containing like 204 mg of phosphorous and 292 mg of potassium, says Isaac Bikorimana, a nutritionist at Kibagabaga Hospital.

He explains that though rabbit is rich in proteins, it has on the other hand extremely low percentage of fats which makes it the best meat for dieting and muscle building.

Rabbit can be cooked. 

"The calories in rabbit meat are low. A serving contains only 147 calories therefore eating a balanced meal ensures you get the calories you need to meet nutritional goals as well as the nutrients you need for optimal health,” Bikorimana says.

One should consider consuming rabbit meat with a serving of vegetables or along with a healthy grain. A serving of rabbit meat contains far less calories than the same size portion of beef and portion of pork.

Research shows that Rabbit meat is almost cholesterol free and therefore friendly for people with heart problems.

The meat also contains some amount of selenium which is useful to one’s health as it can combat hardening of the arteries, as well as cancers such as stomach, lung, prostate and skin cancer.

One serving of rabbit can provide one with 22.4 percent of the phosphorus one needs in your daily meal. This mineral accounts for one percent of your total body weight and influences your body’s ability to use carbohydrates and fats, as well as the repair of cells and tissues.

Rabbit can be roasted. It helps women to replenish iron losses women experience during their monthly cycles. 

According to Jane Clarke of Good Health, in terms of nutrition, rabbit has a lot in its favor and is indeed a good source of iron and minerals which people sometimes forget is essential for growth.

Women benefit a lot from the nutrients in rabbit as eating it helps to replenish iron losses women experience during their monthly cycles.

The sodium content of rabbit meat is comparatively less than other meats and the calcium and phosphorus contents of this meat are more than any other meats. That aside, the ratio of meat to bone is high meaning there is more edible meat on a rabbit than even a chicken.