There is nothing wrong with food fortification

Editor, Food fortification is a modern scientific way of adding micro-nutrients to existing foods. The addition of micro-nutrients does not in any way alter/change the original chemical nature of the food. Instead it adds nutrients and makes them available for consumption by humans or other animals.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Food fortification is a modern scientific way of adding micro-nutrients to existing foods. The addition of micro-nutrients does not in any way alter/change the original chemical nature of the food. Instead it adds nutrients and makes them available for consumption by humans or other animals.

Fortification of wheat and maize flour only improves the nutrient content of these foods.

The biggest threat to most commentators of advancement of science in agriculture is little knowledge they have on the subject. Deficiency diseases are killing people, crippling people and the immediate solution to that is food fortification.

African children are being crippled by eyesight, skin, bone and mental retardation related illnesses due to micro-nutrient deficiencies.

Never Ending Food is talking of promoting nutritious foods instead of food fortification; but how? Even food fortification is one way of enhancing low nutritious foods to more nutritious foods using available scientific methods.

Arguments by opponents of science advancement in agriculture are much the same as a modern day human who would say that "No; let’s go back to horses and avoid cars because cars are expensive and produce green house gasses”. 

There is nothing wrong with food fortification; genetic modification has its own flaws and it should be controlled, but we should not fear science. It’s here to stay.

James Munanura

Reaction to the letter, "Promote nutritious crops, instead of fortified foods” (The New Times, May 20)