Why our academia must do research

Editor, Refer to the story, “Perceptions, lack of initiative led to academia-policy gap, says varsity don” (The New Times, May 11)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Refer to the story, "Perceptions, lack of initiative led to academia-policy gap, says varsity don” (The New Times, May 11)

A very important issue is precisely raised in this article. Briefly, it appears there is little for appreciation for tested knowledge.

Yes, the homegrown knowledge is important but must be tested to see how it will continue to serve long-term national goals.

In other words, research does not only strengthen homegrown knowledge, but helps policymakers to implement appropriate measures that have been tried elsewhere or tested to serve global and local needs.

Otherwise, working without national research is another way of following trial and error.

Henry Settimba