Ingabire's story should inspire us

Editor, Refer to the story, “From grass to grace: How Ingabire escaped from the jaws of poverty” (The New Times, May 7).

Saturday, May 09, 2015


Refer to the story, "From grass to grace: How Ingabire escaped from the jaws of poverty” (The New Times, May 7).

This story should be a template as to how we should contribute toward building our motherland at the individual level, like what Chantal Ingabire is doing, and there would be no limit as to the level of accomplishments.

Even though aid from developed countries helps meet some national needs, we can exceed it and reach a point where we may not need it.

Let us work together and not allow division to tear us apart, rather it should bind us and work toward achieving what our President always teaches us.

Earnest Uwimanzi