Enhancing self-discipline at work; what are the benefits?
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Self-discipline is not just about the ability to control your feelings and overcome your weaknesses. Instead, experts say when it comes to the workplace, there is more to this.

This, they say might come in many ways including the ability to focus on a task or a goal with the purpose of achieving a certain result.

Discipline, they say also contributes to one’s overall success and produces sustainable success over time.

In the workplace, Omer Mayobera, a peacebuilding and development practitioner with knowledge in psychology, says when you are self-disciplined, it helps promote the mindset that helps you complete tasks and reach specific goals in life.

Still, at work, he says if one doesn’t know how to go about it, they should focus on how to increase self-discipline.

This, he says, can be achieved by taking time to challenge what you think you can and can’t do, which is the first step.

Omer notes that finding how to do things that motivate you is essential as far as being self-disciplined is concerned.

"This could be as simple as finding ways to refocus your attention, as well as work on your own shortcomings and be resilient in every situation,” he says.

How to achieve this

Omer says adhering to self-discipline is not easy, however, trying to develop repetitive behaviors and becoming disciplined in a single area can help you move on to the next challenge.

"There is no harm in starting small, and with time this can become a habit therefore easier for one to accomplish their goals,” he says.

Just like Omer, Ange Thaina, a mentor for young people says making practice a habit is important as this will need one to practice self-discipline on a daily basis.

This, she says could be coming up with your expectations and how you would like to achieve them.

Also, she says breaking down your time can help you focus on certain tasks. Additionally, this can as well help one stay motivated all the time.

Besides, she believes that focusing on one self-discipline skill at a time is important, as it will help improve each of them at ago.

Omer says that you also need to define your expectations clearly, starting from what you expect from yourself in terms of achieving goals at work, to your expectations in life.

After doing this, he says one can move to focus on your efforts, in order to achieve your goal.

This is also the same as coming up with personal goals that are achievable, which will help you build self-discipline over time by accomplishing specific related tasks.

According to experts, it’s ideal to keep in mind that failure is part of succeeding, and for this reason, self-discipline doesn’t require perfection.

Instead, understanding that failure is a natural part of succeeding is important as it will keep you moving forward and moving closer to your goals.