I can't sleep for more than two hours

Dear doctor, For the last five years, I have never slept for more than two hours regardless of whether am tired or not. I have on several occasions tried to take sleeping pills in vain. How can I overcome this problem?

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Dear doctor,

For the last five years, I have never slept for more than two hours regardless of whether am tired or not. I have on several occasions tried to take sleeping pills in vain. How can I overcome this problem?

Karasira, 20

Dear Karasira,

I am curious to know if something stressful happened five years ago that could have caused insomnia. Are your studies or work stressful? Do you not get sleep at all or after a short slumber you wake up and fail to sleep again.  Sleeping hours usually differ in persons depending on age, life style, work and genetic factors. Mental stress and or depression are the most common cause for sleeplessness or insomnia in a young adult. Because otherwise it is a phase of life when normally, naturally one gets abundant sleep.

Some people have an altered sleep/wake cycle due to life style factors. That is one tends to sleep profoundly during the day and then does not get sleep in night. Any sickness like flu, high fever, asthma, itching, etc. can disturb sleep.

Tight night clothes and uncomfortable bed clothes can also hamper good sleep. One may also fail to get sleep due to environmental factors like mosquitoes, bright lights and loud noise in the neighbourhood etc. Sleep disorders like narcolepsy also disturb a normal sleep/wake cycle. One can have insomnia due to anti depressant medications. Alcohol, coffee or tea taken before sleeping can prevent sleep. Watching movies or T.V. programs till late night may disturb sleep.

Whatever the reason, not getting good sleep is bad for one’s health. One tends to become irritable and tense and stressed up thus aggravating the problem. This can give rise to diseases like hypertension, diabetes, peptic ulcer, hearing. The digestion is also disturbed due to disturbed sleep causing constipation, abdominal pain and bloating, nausea, burning sensation.

I would not recommend sleeping pills as one eventually gets habituated to it, needing extra doses to sleep. It is advisable to be absolutely relaxed physically as well as mentally. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks in the evening. Try to tune your body for sleeping. Go to bed at a fixed time each evening.

Clothes should be comfortable and the room quiet. Till the time you get sleep, try to read something soothing or think something positive and soothing. Doing this regularly will help you in getting sound sleep after some days. Yoga done regularly is also helpful.