I have missed my periods for long

Dear Doctor, I am aged 18 and have missed my monthly periods twice. I’m very scared that something is wrong with me. What can I do? Jacky

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Dear Doctor,

I am aged 18 and have missed my monthly periods twice. I’m very scared that something is wrong with me. What can I do?


Dear Jacky,

You have not specified whether your periods were initially regular or irregular. By the age of 18, the menstrual cycle is set. Missed periods in a young woman mostly occur due to pregnancy. Many young girls like to have fun, but even one single unprotected sexual activity can lead to pregnancy if the timing is around ovulation.

The other cause could be hormonal imbalance or undue stress. Hormonal balance can be disrupted in teenagers who undergo crash dieting or get involved in rigorous physical exercise. Athletes who undergo vigorous physical training or those who take anabolic steroids are also at risk of missing their periods.

In addition, diseases of the uterus like tuberculosis may cause one to have amenorrhoea, i.e. absence of menses. Hormonal disorders like hypyothyroidism, hypopituitarism and adrenal disorders can cause irregular and scanty menses. It is advisable to take regular meals with a balanced diet. Learn to be relaxed physically as well as mentally.

If the problem continues, one should undergo a medical checkup to exclude any hormonal disorder. If any disorder is present, it can be treated very well.