Single-sex or a mixed school? This is a choice that every parent with school going children is often faced with especially at the beginning of a new academic term or year. Small an issue as it might appear, education experts say someone’s choice of school can have a long-term effect on their life – socially and economically. In this week’s main story, teachers, counsellors, parents and students discuss both options broadly.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Single-sex or a mixed school? This is a choice that every parent with school going children is often faced with especially at the beginning of a new academic term or year. Small an issue as it might appear, education experts say someone’s choice of school can have a long-term effect on their life – socially and economically. In this week’s main story, teachers, counsellors, parents and students discuss both options broadly.

Furthermore, we take you to AIPER Nyandungu, a school that has started a mission to change the lives of the poor and elderly through creating backyard gardens for them.

Also look out for other interesting sections such as "Open Voice”, "Know Your History”, and the rib-cracking "Old School Memories”. Have a great week.