DEBATE: Is cosmetic surgery justifiable?

Yes, it addresses discontents in life I’m in support of this debate because honestly speaking, if cosmetic surgery is done by professionals and not quacks; it does address discontents in life. Cosmetic surgery is the elective operation that alters or enhances one’s body part or facial changes based on one’s choice.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Yes, it addresses discontents in life

I’m in support of this debate because honestly speaking, if cosmetic surgery is done by professionals and not quacks; it does address discontents in life. Cosmetic surgery is the elective operation that alters or enhances one’s body part or facial changes based on one’s choice.

All of us at some point in our lives have looked at a particular part of our body and wished it were different. It’s only that we don’t have the resources but if we hit a jackpot, we would definitely go and have that body part enhanced. So if we have had such thoughts, let’s not start criticising people who do cosmetic surgery. Thank God for the cosmetic surgeons because they help address these discontents in life. Happiness is an important factor in our existence. 

At least some of us at some point in our lives have had incidents where we attained nicknames because of a weird or freaky body part. These nicknames are usually granted to us while at school or at work and they affect our self esteem. 

Cosmetic surgery is the only treatment for someone who is suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

BDD is described as a disabling preoccupation with perceived defects or flaws in appearance. It affects men and women, and it causes devastating distress and affects one’s ability to function socially. 

While doing research about cosmetic surgeries, I came across a publication by Mollie Ziegler Hemingway titled "Is Cosmetic Surgery Immoral?” Hemingway posed a question "But is plastic surgery bad because it’s unnatural?”

Hemingway argued that shaving the armpits and legs is unnatural, but you don’t hear a lot of popular sentiment about how Americans are going against nature and nature’s God when women buy razors. Some might argue that most of our grooming (such as dying one’s hair or tweezing unwanted facial hair) is a temporary aesthetic fix, whereas cosmetic surgery permanently alters what God gave us. But the duration of change is hardly the best ethical barometer. Besides, we don’t seem to have problems with knee replacement surgery or the permanent removal of teeth.

Therefore let’s not look at cosmetic surgery as an immoral act. 

Matt Slick, President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, the author of "Is it okay to get cosmetic surgery as a Christian?” that was published on Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry official website argued that cosmetic surgeries can be justifiable when they are for the improvement of psychological health. 

Matt further stated that: "Corrective surgery for a deformity, injury, or medical necessity could easily be justified. There are women who had mastectomies and have had implants to rebuild the breasts. This is certainly acceptable. There are people who are not happy with their noses, which might be causing them embarrassment and/or insecurity. There’s nothing wrong with considering corrective surgery to help in that area. Each person is different. Security and insecurities vary between individuals, and there are so many variables that each person should consider her particular situation with care and Godly wisdom.” 

Who are we to change God’s image?

I mourn the days when people were encouraged to embrace their imperfections. Now, if you don’t like the structure of any part of your body, you can go for plastic surgery. For every physical trait you don’t like about yourself, there’s a quick fix solution.

Take Kenyan socialite, Vera Sidika, for example. I’m guessing that for any hot-blooded man, the temperature goes up at the sight of her as she is very well endowed in the chest and rear department. However, I can’t help but feel sorry for the woman. 

Allow me to explain. Not only did she have fat injected into her butt to make it bigger, and implants squeezed into her breasts, the woman decided that her natural skin complexion wasn’t fair enough and therefore needed lightening – hence the full body bleach procedure that she said cost her an arm and leg.

In an interview online, Miss Sidika said that 20 or so years from now, she will still look the same. I can’t help but wonder if she plans to die young (God forbid) and have her body preserved.

Lately, especially around East Africa, the need to have a voluptuous derriere is soaring and pictures are emerging left, right and centre of girls who have gone the extra mile just to get one. 

But while these girls walk around looking like they are carrying all of the world’s problems behind them, do they stop to think of the potential damage that comes with such procedures?

Brazilian model and TV host Andressa Urach was in the spotlight over plastic surgery gone terribly wrong and she’s been hospitalised no less than three times after suffering from multiple complications from the nine cosmetic procedures she has had over the past five years.

Andressa was hospitalised last July after complaining of discomfort and had some fluid removed from her upper thighs. She also spent more than a month in intensive care after her skin literally began to rot earlier this year.

Doesn’t this make your skin crawl? I suppose this is what happens when we attempt to play God – it might not always happen but if the number of cases of this nature is anything to go by, surely the man is trying to tell us something. 

God has a reason why He created us the way we are, and a little appreciation is all He asks. It would upset you too if you made something only for it to alter itself indicating that you did a lousy job! And no one would blame you for throwing it at a wall and damaging it completely out of frustration. 

Millions of dollars didn’t stop the late Michael Jackson’s nose from falling apart. And the Botox procedures women are having to stay young have left some of them looking like circus acts. 

It’s true that you may look into the mirror and not like what you see. But after a few alterations, eventually when nature takes its course, and not even a surgeon’s knife can keep certain parts pointed up, you’ll hate it even more.

No one looks like a supermodel. Not even they look like that, it’s all makeup and computers and drugs and crash diets, or a freaky metabolism that few people have. Many people find certain models ugly, so beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. 

Self-confidence is a trait that money can’t buy and a full head of weave and an injected butt can’t cover up. It all starts from within.