Police sensitises Kamashashi residents to report crime

Officials from the Police’s Community Policing desk gathered hundreds of residents of Kamashashi Cell in Nyarugunga Sector yesterday to sensitise them on reporting crimes in their neighbourhoods.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
REPORT CRIME: Supt. John Bosco Rutishisha advises Kamashashi residents yesterday. (Photo/ G.Barya).

Officials from the Police’s Community Policing desk gathered hundreds of residents of Kamashashi Cell in Nyarugunga Sector yesterday to sensitise them on reporting crimes in their neighbourhoods.

Police reports and residents’ claims reveal that the area which is near the Kanombe military camp is characterised by sexual abuse crimes inflicted on young girls, prostitution and circulation of drugs.

It wants Kamashashi residents to take up the culture of reporting crimes to police as the area’s crime rate had started to grow alarmingly, Supt. John Bosco Rutishisha in charge of Community Policing in the central region of the country said.

"There is a reduction of crime in areas where the people are becoming aware of Community Policing. We want to once again sensitise residents in this area to cooperate more with police and always report crimes,” he told The New Times after addressing Kamashashi residents.

He said that the rise in sexual abuse crimes in the area was growing with about fourteen cases reported to Kanombe Police Station in the last month only, prompting police to take more serious measures.

"Our main objective is that the crimes be reported and we hope that this effective reporting can decrease them,” Supt. Rutishisha explained.

Collective operations of Police and the people through local community policing committees are also considered a valuable measure by the residents.

"Given the history of this area, the residents need great support from police to be able to eradicate the problem of bandits and prostitutes,” said Charles Muvara who has been living in the area for years. He proposed that government destroys slums built in the area where bandits, drug smugglers, and prostitutes are sheltered.

"This area is characterised slums that were build here even before 1994… for me I think that destroying them could be the solution,” he said.

"Everybody should look out for his neighbour and the people need to understand that it is not only police who are concerned with security,” she said.

About 350 residents were attracted by the police meeting including local leaders, members of community policing committees, and none residents.

The Executive Secretary of Nyarugunga Sector, Alphonsine Murebwayire, said that the people need more understanding in helping each other to ensure mutual safety, especially the rights of kids.

Another meeting to sensitise residents on reporting crimes and cooperate with police in safeguarding security is expected for the whole Nyarugunga Sector level next week-end, according to Supt. Rutishisha.
