Support trauma victims

Editor, I salute genocide survivors who have learnt to live through trauma. I personally get lost for words on how to even begin tackling this.

Monday, April 06, 2015


I salute genocide survivors who have learnt to live through trauma.

I personally get lost for words on how to even begin tackling this. May the Almighty turn your ashes to beauty, may He repay your loss many times over, may He turn your mourning into dancing…and even though there are too many questions as to why God would allow the Genocide (to take place).

I pray for peace that this may be settled…and if it is not settled, I pray even more for peace even with no clear answers. I call upon The New Times to carry out a campaign/partnership with trauma counselors for awareness, or free services...

I already know of one,, which works with a local church. I hope someone living with trauma can be able to get access, not just now but anytime during the year. God bless Rwanda!

Kigali Girl

Reaction to the story, "Coping with trauma during the Genocide commemoration” (The New Times, April 6)