Sensitisation for past election was a success

Dear editor, I am impressed by the fact that so many Rwandans took heed to the voting exercise that ended Monday. People in the Diaspora were given a chance to vote and this simply means the NEC did a wonderful job.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dear editor,

I am impressed by the fact that so many Rwandans took heed to the voting exercise that ended Monday. People in the Diaspora were given a chance to vote and this simply means the NEC did a wonderful job.

If Rwandans all over the world got the opportunity to vote for their respective parties, it strikes me right now of the fact that solidarity and patriotism can never die out of a populace who believe in a betterment of their nation.

However, that is not all, not only did our people in the Diaspora manage to vote well, the locals hit a record 90% turn-up.

I even heard that in some places at the polling stations people started voting as early as 5:00 am because the locals were queuing as early as 3:00 am!

This is encouraging as it depicts that the locals took the elections well. With this, I just hope that in the forthcoming presidential elections the same spirit will be maintained.
