I hate people who...

Sometimes you meet people and really wonder why their parents did not just use contraception and save the world from such imbeciles. I am talking about the kind of people who visit you and start picking up your stuff and asking you to give it to them because, “You will get another one.”

Saturday, April 04, 2015

…visit and start demanding to take your stuff. Sometimes you meet people and really wonder why their parents did not just use contraception and save the world from such imbeciles. I am talking about the kind of people who visit you and start picking up your stuff and asking you to give it to them because, "You will get another one.” As if when you were getting it you had them in mind. Sometimes these annoying people will grab your perfume and spray themselves shamelessly.

It is one thing going through my fridge and eating that apple I had kept for myself but do you also have to smell like me in order to announce your familiarity habits? This being a rainy season, these jokers will not hesitate to borrow your umbrella and jacket and never return. Beware of them.

…enter people’s clean homes with muddy shoes. This being a rainy season, so many ill mannered people can be seen in our midst. There is a way these rains bring out the worst behaviours in people who nature should clearly help get rid of. I have talked about the empty heads that splash water on pedestrians but they do have cousins in the jokers who will not think twice before entering a house with muddy shoes.

They move around with the mud looking even slightly taller. Whether the house has a carpet or not, mud has no place inside the house so please leave your dirty shoes outside or find a way to get them cleaned before you walk into anyone’s home. Considering how dirty the shoes are, no one will even attempt to steal such filth so they can be safe outside.

…visit with rowdy and unruly children. I totally understand that children love to play and have a good time but there are times when it gets so annoying that you feel like slapping one of their parents. Do you know that annoying feeling when someone visits with children who are yet to discover the meaning of good manners?

I am talking about the kind of kids that run around the house breaking things and stepping on your clean sofas with enough soil to aid germination? What is more annoying is that when you as the host, tries to speak some sense to them, their parent will be quick to say, "You know they are so stubborn and uncontrollable.”

The parents of such children need to remind them that when visiting one should behave and respect other people and their property. A parent who can’t instil basic discipline needs to use contraception at least.

…ignore the weather forecast and inconvenience others. There is a reason why weather updates appear on your favourite TV station. To inform you of what the weather may be like the following day so that you can plan accordingly. However there is a breed of people who think it is just a waste of time and that even after being warned about heavy rain they will see no reason to plan for it.

Don’t you hate those people who always want to borrow your umbrella, jacket or sweater as if they did not know it was going to be a cold evening? Listen if your goal was to be a pneumonia statistic then I think I should just let you achieve it so that others can learn from your example and respect those who job it is to inform us about the weather forecast.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293