Egypt's change of heart on Nile River welcome devt

Editor, It has always been incredible that a downstream state, Egypt (and Sudan to a lesser extent), could presume to try to impose colonial era treaties that Ethiopia, whose Blue Nile contributes 85% of the Nile waters reaching Egypt, had never signed on to.

Monday, March 30, 2015


It has always been incredible that a downstream state, Egypt (and Sudan to a lesser extent), could presume to try to impose colonial era treaties that Ethiopia, whose Blue Nile contributes 85% of the Nile waters reaching Egypt, had never signed on to.

Even the other, White Nile upstream states, could refuse to recognise odious colonial era treaties that presumed to give away the right to a critical natural resource on their territories when they were subjugated people deprived of the slightest say on their colonisers’ decisions to give away their birthrights.

We should welcome the fact that Egypt has finally seen the light.

Mwene Kalinda

Reaction to the story, "Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan sign Nile River deal” (The New Times, March 24)