Talk to your daughter to boost her confidence

My daughter is 8 years old but already has big breasts. her friends always tease her about it at school which has affected her confidence. how can i help her?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Joyce Kirabo

My daughter is 8 years old but already has big breasts. her friends always tease her about it at school which has affected her confidence. how can i help her?


Dear Cathy,

There’s a wide range of distinctive changes in girls depending on when puberty starts and how fast it progresses. For some girls, puberty often starts early between the age of 8 and 13 and the most common evidence of puberty is breast development. Some girls get excited about developing breasts while others feel uncomfortable.  In order to help your daughter gain self esteem and feel proud about her body, you need to sit down with her and talk about different body changes that occur especially during adolescence. Also talk to her about menstruation and how to deal with it.

I understand how your daughter feels when she is bullied by her friends and that is why you must counsel her immediately. If she feels rejected, it will affect her social and academic performance at school. Just make her understand that all people are blessed with different special body features which they must be proud of.

Breasts are not ashaming but rather a source of pride that symbolise one’s womanhood. You should also highlight the unique strengths she has that her friends might not possess and admire about her. This will boost her confidence.

Self discovery will expand her social and academic horizons as well as usher in a more meaningful experience that will set her free.                                              

The writer is a teacher and counselor


Charles Sinamenye
Charlotte Mukanyandwi

Charles Sinamenye

Talk to your daughter and show her the positive side of having big breasts. Psychologically you should make her believe that having big breasts is a good thing that she must be proud of. There is no need for her to feel embarrassed among her peers.

Charlotte  Mukanyandwi                

If your daughter’s big breasts are not because of a health problem, then explain to her why she should feel proud of what she is. Let her know that her life is a blessing from God.

Louise Hategeka
Sylvia Nanyonga

Louise Hategeka   

Ask her teachers to be more involved in her life. Let them support her morally by showing her that it is not only normal to have big breasts but also good. This will enable her to concentrate on her studies.

Sylvia Nanyonga      

Change her attitude towards how she feels about her body. For instance, tell her that a good lady must have big breasts and she is therefore gifted to have them. That should make her feel proud.