EAC integration is on course

Editor, The East African Community is moving in the right direction. On my recent visit to Kenya and Rwanda, I noticed major changes in people’s attitudes towards each other.

Monday, February 23, 2015


The East African Community is moving in the right direction. On my recent visit to Kenya and Rwanda, I noticed major changes in people’s attitudes towards each other.

There is a genuine and warm expression of friendship and brotherly love among people of the EAC. Cooperation and development is in full swing. You can feel that something positive is taking shape. It reminded me of my experience with the European Union where we move freely and do business with each other without any problems.

We have good leaders with the best of our people’s interest in their hearts. They have good vision and that’s what Africa needs today to press ahead and break with the dark past. We are all behind you. Keep up the good work.

Emmanuel Ntibimenya

Reaction to the story, " Heads of State endorse expanded EACJ mandate” (The New Times, February 21)