Kudos to Todd and Andria

Editor, Refer to the story, “Couple on mission to give vulnerable children education” (The New Times, February 15).

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Refer to the story, "Couple on mission to give vulnerable children education” (The New Times, February 15).

To Todd Ellingson and his wife Andria, I thank you for your great generosity. Truthfully, your approach to helping these children should be replicated worldwide and this would help reduce the negative stereotype about of Africa.

Also, aid agencies should learn from you and stop using hunger, starvation and diseases as a common denominator for African children in order to gain funding.

However, I am somehow skeptical about building a church and hiring a pastor to give spiritual guidance for the children under your care. I hope your generosity will not be bartered with conforming to your own religious belief.
