In Gikondo-Nyenyeri, there is no water to ration

Editor, In your Tuesday’s issue, you reported that the current water rationing was to go on for another 24 months (Businesses have to wait longer as water rationing runs for two years).

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


In your Tuesday’s issue, you reported that the current water rationing was to go on for another 24 months (Businesses have to wait longer as water rationing runs for two years). My concern, however, is not about water rationing, but rather complete lack of water at least in my neighbourhood.

I cannot believe that the defunct EWSA (now Wasac) has up to now failed to supply water in Gikondo-Nyenyeri, a heavily populated city suburb. We have not had water for ages. I do not take that as water rationing, but rather lack of water. So what’s there to be rationed in the first place?



I hope this promise by Water and Sanitation Corporation (Wasac) will be not end up the same way as other pledges by those in charge of delivering critical services such as KiwuWatt – which never materialized!

Very few agencies can rival Wasac as far as restructuring (whatever that means) is concerned. First it was Electrogaz, then Reco&Rwasco, then EWSA, and now Wasac – yet there is still no water, but rather dry and rusting pipes.

Anna Rutagengwa