Letter from the editor

Dear readers, Child birth is arguably the most beautiful thing in the world; to bring life into the world is a feeling like no other. For some women, how this child comes into the world is not the issue, as long as it is healthy. And to be honest, isn’t that what really matters?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dear readers,

Child birth is arguably the most beautiful thing in the world; to bring life into the world is a feeling like no other. For some women, how this child comes into the world is not the issue, as long as it is healthy. And to be honest, isn’t that what really matters?

However, according to most medical experts, advice to have a C-section is based solely on a woman’s chances of having a safe natural delivery. But these days, a lot of women seem to be requesting for the knife, ignoring professional advice to give the natural way a try. Why is this? Are women being led to believe that the knife is a safer way to deliver? Or are the terrifying stories of unimaginable labour pain behind the decision to go for a less traumatising experience? Turn to pages 18 and 19 for more on this story.

Speaking of babies, very many women are not familiar with their own menstrual cycle, making conception when they are ready for it, hard. This week, one lady seeks the doctor’s advice on how to determine her ovulation period as she is currently trying for a baby. Have a great weekend.

Rachel Garuka