I hate people who...

I know for a fact that Kigali has a clear policy against noise pollution and many churches and entertainment spots have faced the wrath of the city’s law enforcement chaps.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

…put annoyingly loud speakers outside their shops. I know for a fact that Kigali has a clear policy against noise pollution and many churches and entertainment spots have faced the wrath of the city’s law enforcement chaps.

What I find even more sickening though is the habit of having a shop and then placing a speaker outside and constantly announcing what you are selling inside the shop. This looped sound always makes me think there are indeed places worse than hell and the vicinity of such shops belong to that category.

What happened to paying for a real advert? Where did this foolishness of using old loud speakers to sound like someone selling traditional herbs in a village market come from? I think some of these jokers belong to a mental asylum.

…always visit you at your work place and hesitate to leave. It always feels good when an old friend or a close relative spares time to pay you a visit. It is such a sweet and decent thing to do actually. What is sickening though is when they decide to visit you at your work place and are not even in a hurry to leave. The kind of idlers who think that the your boss really enjoys seeing wasting time talking about your school memories and doing a roll call of where each of your former classmates is.

These are the same people who probably assume that you can be promoted by your boss based on your impeccable hospitality skills. These people are certainly the only reason why we are still referred to as a third world country. Offices are for work not tourism.

…use Facebook to live their lives through their children. It is such an awesome feeling to become a parent and wake up each day to look at your beautiful baby. However some parents make it look like it would have been better if they had stuck to contraception. I am talking about the ones who think the only reason they have a Facebook account is to broadcast their children’s lives.

You open the account in your name but all you post is about your baby. I thought Facebook was asking you not the child. Last time I checked, children just want to play not to be posted on Facebook when born, sleeping, playing, eating, pooping, crying, laughing or even going to school. It is your Facebook page not a baby’s photo album. Give the toddler a break.

…fall asleep on public transport and rest their head on you. There are annoying people and then there are these ones who love to assume that you are part of the bus furniture. I am talking about those people who import their bedroom habits to public transport vehicles. The kind of people who easily fall asleep when travelling but also go ahead to rest their empty heads on you as if you are their long lost mother.

Some even go ahead and start snoring the moment their head finds a resting position on your shoulder. To be fair such jokers deserve to only be transported as cargo not as passengers because they can’t sit up straight like the rest of us.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293