Danny Nanone releases new single

Danny Ntakirutimana, better known as Danny Nanone, has released a new hip hop single, “Jye ndarapa”.

Friday, January 30, 2015
Danny Nanone. (Net)

Danny Ntakirutimana, better known as Danny Nanone, has released a new hip hop single, "Jye ndarapa”.

The song was produced by Pastor P, from Beyond Records, in collaboration with Incredible Records. The audio track will be followed by a video.

In the song, Danny celebrates his early achievements as well as his determination to lead in hip-hop music in the country.

"I want my music to be on top both in the country and abroad. I will achieve this by making good music and great videos, and collaborating with international artistes. I have many things in mind that I want to do in order to be the best rapper across the continent. Hardworking and determination are all I have now” he told The New Times.

Danny emerged as one of the best Rwandan rappers following his famous singles such as Tubiziranyeho, Forever, Ntagukoza Isoni, Narya Dance, among others. His songs are well known for energetic instrumental and moving lyrics.

Following the release of his new single, the rapper promised an action-packed rest of the year.

 "In this year, there are many good things to come up. I have new songs to release and I am planning different concerts across the country.  

"I urge everyone to be on my side and support hip hop music and Hip-hop love songs, which basically is my passion.”