Letter from the editor

Dear readers, We all like heroes and heroines, both real life and fictional. They inspire aspects of our lives and shape our traits and characters. This week on Sunday, Rwandans, and the rest of the world, will celebrate heroes for their various outstanding accomplishments.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dear readers,

We all like heroes and heroines, both real life and fictional. They inspire aspects of our lives and shape our traits and characters. This week on Sunday, Rwandans, and the rest of the world, will celebrate heroes for their various outstanding accomplishments.

Ndabaga will always be considered one of Rwanda’s biggest heroes for her outstanding bravery in the face of incredible odds.

Ndabaga was an ordinary girl, with extraordinary courage who set a blazing trail for women. Women Today revisited her tale and sought the impact it has had on the lives of women today.

We also look at Clare Effiong, popularly referred to as Mama Clare, a heroine in her own right who has dedicated her life to empower vulnerable youth in Kigali, especially orphans, to take charge of their lives by imparting them with life skills.

Through a non-governmental organisation she founded, Esther’s Aid, Effiong has made it her life’s work to respond to the needs of orphaned children by improving the quality of their lives through skills development, training and empowering programmes. Find out what inspired her and the impact of her efforts.

Rachel Garuka