Students discuss why abortion is not an option

Raising awareness about dangers of unwanted pregnancies among the youth is one of the major goals of Open Voice. Our team recently hit the street to ask students what they think about abortion and dumping children.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Raising awareness about dangers of unwanted pregnancies among the youth is one of the major goals of Open Voice. Our team recently hit the street to ask students what they think about abortion and dumping children.

Rahma Beingana
Bonita Gasaro

Rahma Beingana

I only wish people could listen to our elders’ advice. There would be no such things as engaging in irresponsible sexual activities or aborting because of the consequences involved. And, would a person choose to abort yet they can find means of taking care of the baby? It should only be permitted if the mother’s life is in danger.

Bonita Gasaro

I would never advise anyone to abort their child for whatever reason. It is very unfortunate when some people choose to neglect their responsibilities of raising a child yet they got involved in sex well knowing the consequences.

Daniella Uwase
Ivan Mugabo

Daniella Uwase

There is nothing good about abortion; it is the worst thing someone could ever think of. If someone is caught between a hard place and a rock, I would advise them to see a counsellor. Even if there is no love between the man and woman, it is worth everything to keep the baby.

Ivan Mugabo

Abortion is prohibited by law and God. Each of us has a duty to take care for the young ones. Children are a blessing from God so there is no reason to kill a baby. Where would we be if our mothers had aborted us?

Grace Bateta
Ibrahim Intwari

Grace Bateta

Aborting or dumping a child is the worst thing that an individual can do. Even when you don’t love your partner, it would be a very unwise decision to to do away with the child. We need to learn from our parents who produced and raised us.

Ibrahim Intwari

I wouldn’t advise anyone to abort or throw away a child because it can be haunting. And even if one accidentally got pregnant, there are always better solutions than killing the child. In some cases, girls have died trying to abort.  

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