I get cramps when not in menses

Dear doctor; My hormones act up and I get cramps even when not on my period. Is this normal?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dear doctor;

My hormones act up and I get cramps even when not on my period. Is this normal?

Mary, 23.

Dear Mary,

How long you have been having these cramps? are the cramps in legs or abdomen or at both sites, do you get them after meals, or they occur during night? Is there any associated nausea, vomiting, bloating among other sensations?

Many women experience cramps in abdomen and legs with backache around or during menstruation. This occurs due to effect of hormones. Infection of the inner lining of uterus and or other pelvic parts may manifest as pain lower abdomen with backache. This pain may be continuous or intermittent, cramp like. But other days they are alright. Infections of the stomach and or intestines can cause colicky cramp like pain in the abdomen, site depending on part affected. Sometimes much gases in the stomach or intestines may cause a bloating sensation with discomfort which may be intermittent as gas moves. This may be perceived as cramps.

Walking long distances  by  one who is not accustomed to walking much can cause cramp like pain in legs afterwards. Cramps in legs can also occur due to wearing high heeled shoes. Nocturnal cramps in legs commonly occur during adolescence and teenage years due to hormonal changes and the growth period of life. Rarely these cramps can continue till few years later, after becoming an adult.

Deficiency of salt, potassium, calcium, vitamin E, B.complex, among others essential minerals and vitamins, can cause muscle cramps. Muscle cramps can also occur due to diabetes.

Prevention of cramps lies in taking a balanced nutritious diet which should include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and milk products. Taking supplements of vitamin E. is also helpful.

Avoid wearing high-heel shoes.

It is advisable to do a stool analysis to check for any infection. In case of presence of vaginal discharge, that can also be examined for any microbes. Treatment of the underlying cause helps in curing the condition.