Protectors of FDLR militia now using African proxies

Editor, Reference is made to the article, “Luanda summit on FDLR ‘a waste of time, money’” (The New Times, January 9).

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Reference is made to the article, "Luanda summit on FDLR ‘a waste of time, money’” (The New Times, January 9).

I could agree more with Foreign Affairs Louise Minister Mushikiwabo. If anybody wanted baby gloving, it cannot be with a genocidal force. It is quite demeaning for anybody with humane intact senses to really waste more time giving value to these well known genocidal forces. It is actually a shame to even give them a minute of our precious time.

It is important to remember that over 10,000 FDLR combattants have already returned and reintegrated in Rwandan society.

What is special about these few thousands actually is they are the masterminds of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and its ideology, which in my humble opinion needs to be uprooted much sooner than later.

It would be a shame to give them more of our time, to allow more time for Congolese women to be raped by that genocidal militia and to deepen their evil ideology in the Great Lakes Region.Is this in anybody’s interest? Once again let us neutralise these forces of evil and give the region a chance to prosper.



I totally agree with Minister Mushikiwabo that it is a gross waste of time (I am not so sure about resources); I only differ on whether that applies to what we’re witnessing at the moment (these are mere games), or whether using the same people regarded collaborators in the Genocide against Tutsi could be the same ones to use to eradicate the machinery that they used to carry it out isn’t a worse waste of time.

It would be naive to hope for any useful outcome. They’ve devised a very clever strategy of using African proxies—it is not easy to think that the SADC-ICGLR summits, the UN reports and BBC films are one and the same animal.

The time being wasted is not a concern to them; actually for some of them, it has become part of their mandate to protect the FDLR to the end.

The time they are wasting is ours instead, especially when we keep gazing up to them for deliverance. It’s never going to happen we can rest assured.

My suggestion would be to concentrate on what we’re busy doing right now: focusing on socio-economic emancipation efforts so that our nation can continue to build a strong social and economic coherence and the FDLR will be taken care of by nature. They will become irrelevant and with time they will become an obsolete entity.

Our dear Minister should keep up the good fight, pressure, as she has always done, but we sincerely know that our solace is not going to come from that direction.
