Fight seriously against preventable diseases

Dear editor, In a bid to eradicate preventable diseases in Rwanda that have claimed the lives of so many, most especially the children, immunization is the right course of action.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dear editor,
In a bid to eradicate preventable diseases in Rwanda that have claimed the lives of so many, most especially the children, immunization is the right course of action.

In Africa, particularly so many children die from diseases that are curable.

Diseases like tuberculosis, measles are among the six killer diseases. Malaria too is another killer disease that has stressed so many African nations.

The rate at which Africans die from these diseases is appalling. 

However, in developed countries, incidents of people dying from such are diseases not heard of.

This is because the immunization activities in Karongi District, Western province are surely the right course of action.

Rwandans should generally be encouraged to take their children for immunization.

There is no reason whatsoever for parents not to take heed of this since it is free of charge and better still it’s to their advantage.

Just like the developed countries, Rwanda should vigorously fight preventable diseases more especially malaria and the other five killer diseases.