Letter from the editor

Dear readers, It’s been said to be grateful for the things we have because some people are not as lucky. To have food on your plate when somewhere in the world, people are starving to death is something one should never take for granted.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dear readers,

It’s been said to be grateful for the things we have because some people are not as lucky. To have food on your plate when somewhere in the world, people are starving to death is something one should never take for granted. The same can be said for children, who in God’s eyes, are blessings, whether they come with male parts or otherwise.

A man leaving his wife because she keeps churning out girl after girl might be hard to believe, but stories from across the region prove that to some men, boys are the only thing they care about. Even with the irony that girls are in fact the ones who end up carrying these boys, it does not stop men for looking for a plan B, should his wife be a "girl-bearer”. In this week’s lead story, we take a look at some of the reasons why men are desperate for heirs, so much that they would rather look elsewhere for one.

With the heat of Kigali nowadays, the afro seems to be a great solution to keeping as much heat away from you as possible. Most will agree that hair that doesn’t touch the shoulders is great for this kind of weather, so get a little adventurous and try it out. You’ll be surprised how much you like it. In case you are wondering how to maintain it, turn to our fashion page to find out.

Rachel Garuka