The story of Nankabirwa

GOOD FOUNDATION SCHOOL- P.4.E A long, long time ago, lived a man and a woman in a certain kingdom. They bore a baby girl and named her Nankabirwa. After some years Nankabirwa’s parents died and she lived with her aunt.

Monday, September 08, 2008


A long, long time ago, lived a man and a woman in a certain kingdom. They bore a baby girl and named her Nankabirwa.
After some years Nankabirwa’s parents died and she lived with her aunt.

Her aunt hated her and made her a house girl. She was supposed to collect firewood, cook food, and clean the house among many other things.

Nankabirwa worked and worked from morning until evening with out resting. Her cousins never helped her at all. One day, the king’s son informed all the girls in the kingdom that he wanted to marry one of them.

Nankabirwa’s cousins and aunt were very surprised and they told Nankabirwa to make for them nice dresses to wear when they go to meet the prince.

The day reached and her aunt and cousins all went to meet the prince at the palace. Nankabirwa stayed home alone very sad.

While there a pretty woman came and gave Nankabirwa a beautiful dress and a watch. The pretty woman told her to go to the palace but she had to be back before midnight.

At the palace Nankabirwa had a good time. She looked so beautiful that the prince noticed her and liked her. He decided that he would ask Nankabirwa to marry him.

When he was about to reach her, Nankabirwa looked at the watch and she remembered what the old woman had told her. It was five minutes to midnight!

She ran home as fast as she could. The prince followed running after her and when he reached her home, he found that she was just a servant.

The prince went back at the palace and told the king that he had chosen Nankabirwa among all the girls in that kingdom.
