Do birthmarks on waist mean a woman has given birth before?

Dear doctor; I am seeing a woman who I intend to marry but she has birthmarks around her waist. She claims she has not yet given birth but what would explain the birthmarks?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dear doctor;

I am seeing a woman who I intend to marry but she has birthmarks around her waist. She claims she has not yet given birth but what would explain the birthmarks?


Dear Jean,

You need to ask your intended bride, whether birthmarks are present since childhood or they are of recent origin. Is there any associated problem like itching, pain, etc? Since you have noticed them, what is their size, shape, are they black in colour or white/light coloured? Trust that woman if you plan to marry her because these marks can be due to many reasons.

Birthmarks are literally present since birth and can be present anywhere in body. They occur due to abnormal collection of pigment and are of variable size and shape with no other problem. Light coloured or whitish marks mostly linear are formed around the abdomen after child birth, some surgery or even after losing weight.

These marks are also symptom free. Some allergy or infection may cause similar looking patches but there will be associated itching or pain, among other symptoms. Rarely a mark may be due to cancer which may grow slowly. Suitable treatment  of underlying cause helps heal the mark. Some old trauma can also leave scars which may look like birthmarks.

If the marks are ungainly to look at, surgery can help to correct it.