Is it healthy to drink lemonade on empty stomach in the morning?

Dear doctor; People always say one should not drink oranges or lemon juice on empty stomach. Ironically, everyone says it is good to drink lemon the first thing in the morning--usually before one has eaten. What difference does it make, really?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Dear doctor;

People always say one should not drink oranges or lemon juice on empty stomach. Ironically, everyone says it is good to drink lemon the first thing in the morning--usually before one has eaten. What difference does it make, really?

Marion, 21.

Dear Marion,

Drinking fresh orange or lemon juice in the morning is beneficial. It provides phosphate, vitamin C, other useful minerals and energy. If one does not have any problem with excess acid like burning pain in stomach or chest, yellow bitter vomiting, among others, there is no problem with the juice. But if somebody has hyperacidity or dyspepsia drinking orange or lemon juice in the morning can increase the problem due to their high acid content. Moreover, consumption of the much acid present in these juices increases risk of dental erosion and chronic dental problems. It is advisable to rinse mouth after drinking these juices. 

These juices contain fructose which is a natural sugar. Although it is better than white sugar, still consumption of juice regularly can increase weight due to adding on calories. Moreover, juice does not provide fibre (useful in digestion) which is present while eating the fruit directly. Therefore, one should preferably eat the fruit directly.

If juice is preferred it should be freshly squeezed. Bottled and branded juices contain high amount of carbohydrate and also chemicals which can cause obesity and allergy related problems.

Bottled fruit juices are as sodas and not very healthy, irrespective of what manufacturers claim. Nutrients available in any fruit juice are best available when consumed fresh.