Letter from the editor

Dear readers, Everything we read about in the original Immaculate Conception story could very well happen again, after all, Jesus did promise to return. How he will return, however, is still open to speculation.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Dear readers,

Everything we read about in the original Immaculate Conception story could very well happen again, after all, Jesus did promise to return. How he will return, however, is still open to speculation.

Therefore, one can’t help but wonder how people would take the news of the next Virgin Mary in this day and age. To the non- believers, this will be rubbished as just another person trying to get their moment of fame. To the believers, well, it is safe to say that some are stronger than others, so, the greater the faith, perhaps the less dramatic the reaction.

This week, the team put together a few scenarios of how some people would react to the news of the "new Mary”.

Some people might not get the fuss with Christmas but others have a whole lineup of activities planned for the festive season. We asked a few people how they intend to spend the day.

Since its Christmas and many people have a lot of free time on their hands, now would be the perfect time to invite friends over for that long overdue barbeque. On our health and nutrition page, you will find the recipe to a simple but tasty smoked tilapia dish.

Merry Christmas!

Rachel Garuka