Provide parenting facilities at work place

Editor, In light of this, the 41% children stunting in Rwanda, the 1,000 days breastfeeding campaign and the gruesome images of a violent maid we saw last month: Every government institution should have a child-friendly space (day care centres) where mothers can leave babies and their caretakers. This will enable mothers of newborns to regularly breastfeed their children, at least for the first six months.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


In light of this, the 41% children stunting in Rwanda, the 1,000 days breastfeeding campaign and the gruesome images of a violent maid we saw last month: Every government institution should have a child-friendly space (day care centres) where mothers can leave babies and their caretakers. This will enable mothers of newborns to regularly breastfeed their children, at least for the first six months.


Reaction to the story, "Parenting cannot be delegated” (The New Times, December 17)