Yes, out compete goats in eating 'isombe'

In the Rwandan culture, cassava leaves also, locally known as 'isombe', is a sought-after dish, mostly mixed with meat bones and prepared along with Ubugari (cassava flour).

Sunday, December 21, 2014

In the Rwandan culture, cassava leaves also, locally known as ‘isombe’, is a sought-after dish, mostly mixed with meat bones and prepared along with Ubugari (cassava flour).

Ever wondered why goats would go nuts when they come across fresh cassava leaves? It is all in the nutrients in the green plant leaves. Besides its good taste, this amazing dish has considerable health benefits.

Rich in proteins. The amazing protein content of cassava leaves is ten times more than that in the roots. It also contains different types of proteins comparable to eggs and soybeans, it contains lysine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, and lots of arginine which are not common in green leafy plants. 100 grammes of cooked cassava leaves provides about 3.7 grammes of protein which is pretty good thus making it a great protein source.

  1. Cassava leaves contain a good amount of fiber that promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria and thus boosts immunity, the fiber content of cassava leaves is comparable to that of beans and lentils.
  2. Cassava leaves contain Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant for helping to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. Also B vitamins for good mood, vitality, and metabolism.

Beta carotene. This is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer and prevents and repairs DNA damage. Potassium for water regulation and cardiovascular health, phosphorus and calcium for strong bones, iron and copper for anemia, zinc for a strong immune system, and magnesium and manganese for strong bones and enzyme production.

  1. Cassava leaves are verygood for digestion, so it is very helpful in the prevention of various digestive ailments like constipation and stomach pain.
  2. The mineral content of cassava leaves is comparable to that of liver and eggs which is really great.

Low in Calories. 100 grammes of cooked cassava leaves only contains about 37 calories, making it great for weight loss and they just about fat free.

Boosts breast milk. InRwanda, women believe that cassava leaves boost breast milk and hence lactating mothers prefer it a lot.

Alexis Mucumbitsi, the in-charge of nutrition at the Ministry of Health, says cassava leaves contain iron, proteins and fibers which help in proper digestion and hence avoids constipation. It is so vital in children’s health plus people living with HIV because it helps them in adding white blood cells.

In addition, cassava leaves can also be used as a medicine rheumatism, headaches, ulcers, cold medicine, diarrhea,  overcome the worms, and increase stamina.