Why office workers are prone to headaches

Headache is one of the main complaints among office workers. It is a manifestation of a variety of physical and mental conditions.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Headache is one of the main complaints among office workers. It is a manifestation of a variety of physical and mental conditions.

Eye strain is a common cause for headache among office workers. Working for long hours on the computer commonly leads to eye strain causing headache. Over some time, the eyes may become weak, necessititating use of eye glasses for improving impaired vision. 

Due to stress at workplace, many persons develop tension headaches. It can be due to both physical as well as emotional stress. Doing something involving intense concentration for long hours can also precipitate tension headache. This type of headache occurs due to spasm of the muscles around the head due to stress. The affected person suffers from tight band like sensation over the head. But there is no vomiting or discomfort on looking at lights. The site of pain is vague. An average episode of headache may last from 3o to 90 minutes.

Cluster headache occurs more in young ambitious men. The individual is usually awakened from sleep by severe headache, which is excruciating and located   around eyes and or on forehead. The eyes may become red and watering may occur from eyes, associated with running of nose or stuffed nose. One may get episodes of headache for days together and then remain symptom free for a long time. Each episode of headache may last from one to four hours.

Migraine is also caused by mental tension and anxiety and is more common in young women. It is said to be due to narrowing of the blood vessels due to stress. Here, the headache is severe throbbing in nature and mostly one-sided and associated with nausea, vomiting and photophobia.

Coloured halos or bright spots in front of eyes may precede the headache. An attack of migraine can last from few to 24 hours. Relief is obtained by lying down in a quiet dark room.

Mental stress, noise and bright lights, among others, can  precipitate migraine. Some kinds of food, particularly chocolates and nuts can also induce migraine.

Mostly an average office worker spends eight to 10 hours daily, sitting on a desk. This prolonged inactivity along with lack of fibre in diet makes him more prone to constipation. Chronic constipation and indigestion also lead to discomfort over the head.

Office workers are more susceptible to hypertension due to multiple reasons. Hypertension can cause throbbing headache which can be more in morning. 

Sleep deprivation due to working late in the night can also cause headache in a person. But after getting good sleep, one will feel fresh and comfortable.

Some individuals pretend to be sick, complaining of headache, but their motive is only to abstain from work.

Whatever may be the underlying cause for headache but use of alcohol and cigarettes is known to induce and aggravate headache.

The frequency of episodes of headache in a person depend on his mental make up and adaptability. Headache though a trivial complaint, affects a person much. He has to take rest if the headache is severe, thus affecting productivity both of the individual and institution.

Office workers should be aware of the common types of headache to which they are prone. They should try to adopt healthy working postures to avoid strain on the eyes. They should learn techniques  to relax to avoid  stress related headaches. 

Good coordination and team work among colleagues in any office ensures the working atmosphere to be stress free, thus preventing headache in the individuals. Every person working there has to contribute in this direction.

Dr Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital
